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  • 0-2mm fine ( Recycled Concrete & Brick )
  • 0-4mm coarse ( Recycled Concrete & Brick )

Sands have a wide range of uses due to their unique properties. Some of the common uses of sand include: 

Concrete production: Sand is a fundamental component in the construction industry. It is used to make concrete by mixing it with cement, water, and aggregate. 

Landscaping: Sand is often used in landscaping projects for creating pathways, sandboxes, and decorative elements in gardens and outdoor spaces. 

Erosion Control: Sandbags are commonly used to control erosion and protect properties from flooding and storm surges. 

Pipe Bedding: Recycled concrete sand can serve as a bedding material for pipes and utility lines, providing support and stabil-ity.


It's important to note that the quality and characteristics of recycled sands can vary based on factors such as the quality of the original concrete, the processing methods used, and any contaminants present in the recycled material. Therefore, careful testing and quality control measures are necessary to ensure that recycled concrete sand meets the desired specifications for its intended application. 

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