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Garden Loam

Lawn Establishment: Garden loam is often used as a top dressing for lawns. It helps level the surface, improve soil struc-ture, and provide a fertile base for grass to grow. 

Vegetable Gardens & Planting Beds: Garden loam is suitable for vegetable gardening due to its balanced composition. It provides essential nutrients for vegetable crops and maintains good drainage. It can also be used for various plants, flow-ers, vegetables, and herbs. Its balanced composition provides a good environment for root development and growth. 

Slab Loam

Slab loam is a type of soil texture that consists of a relatively balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay particles. 

Construction: In construction, slab loam can be used as a base for building foundations. Its stable structure and drainage properties help provide a solid ground for structures. 

Erosion Control: The balanced texture of slab loam makes it suitable for controlling erosion on slopes. It can help stabilise the soil and prevent runoff. 

Water Management: Slab loam's ability to retain moisture can be beneficial for managing water in areas prone to drought. It can also help prevent excess runoff and soil erosion during heavy rainfall. 

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